Friday, August 29, 2008

Testing for water in oil

If your oil looks cloudy, that's a sign that it has water in it. Water really inhibits the biodiesel reaction, so if it's there, you'll want to dry the oil well. You can tell if there's water simply by putting some of the oil on a hot frying pan- if it bubbles, there's water..


Mr Bicep Exercises said...

I agree, its vitally important the wash and dry the biodiesel thoroughly, otherwise you could end up causing damage to your engine.

Check out my blog

Anonymous said...

I agree its vitally important to thoroughly wash and dry the diodiesel to prevent any damage to your engine.

Check out my blog

BioLyle's Biodiesel Workshop said...

True, tho I was referring to the feedstock oil, which if wet will not convert well to bio...

Green Living Ebooks said...

Good idea to check the water in oil. But when there is no water in the oil at all and though it looks cloudy. What may be the reason?