Friday, September 19, 2008

Next Tues 9/23/08 NW Bio mtng - Renewable Diesel

NW Biodiesel Network Monthly Meeting: Tues, September 23, 2008, 7 - 9 pm, Phinney Center, 6532 Phinney Ave N. Seattle 98103

Other Diesel Alternatives: Hype or Hope?
Are you curious about those other biofuels you've been hearing about? What is renewable diesel, green diesel, bio-crude, and sunfuel? How will these other diesel alternatives impact biodiesel and who is championing them? Get the low-down at Other Diesel Alternatives: Hype or Hope? Hear from a variety of speakers on this controversial topic. Get your questions answered! 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Seattle Phinney Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle WA 98103. Cost is Free. Information at

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